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Watchtower has sent a telegram, but it's in code! 

Help Abigail decipher the secret message!

10 15665 26162219 961317. 20211617. 1015 16195619 2116 20211617 2196 131615820925162420, 246 15665 2116 24161912 2410219 1719641015421 2761916. 20211617. 1015 16195619 2116 20621 2196 8196221 82158 2119217, 246 15665 2116 519224 162221 1419. 142126176246. 20211617. 1015 16195619 2116 516 219221, 246 15665 2116 8621 212416 8215820 2116 7108921 6249 16219619. 20211617. 146621 146 2155 13102121136 24256 221 2196 161917962220 2196221619 2116141619191624. 20211617. 246 24101313 31910158 162219 4131061521. 20211617.


Hint #1: Numbers have been substituted for letters

Hint #2: I = 10

Hint #3: What word does Watchtower use often at the

end of a complete thought?

Press the red arrow to hear Watchtower talk!

(26 seconds duration)

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